Cemeteries of Rome
Useful information
The cemeteries are municipal public property, meaning that the City Management is the authority that makes decisions regarding the management of both the cemetery sites and the services provided, in order to safeguard public hygiene and health.
Cemeteries management is so considered as a public local service governed by specific, wide regulations.
From 1998 on, the City Management has entrusted the management of eleven cemeteries, until that time managed by itself, to AMA-Cimiteri Capitolini.
The cemetery services management refers to the total maintenance operations, both straightforward and highly complex as well as cemetery construction, cleaning and adornment, authorisation/administration, mortuary police, and post mortem operations.
The Service Agreement signed in May of 2007 formalised and defined the procedures and standards for the operation cemetery services managed by Ama Capital Cemetery that has the monopoly on decisions.
The cemeteries of Rome accept:
- Individuals died in the City of Rome
- Individuals residing in Rome when alive.
- Individuals entitled to be buried in tombs or private burial recess in the cemeteries of Rome (under concession agreements).
- Individuals who neither resided nor died in the City of Rome, for the purpose of reuniting spouses or parents and children in the same cemetery.
- Individuals died in another municipality, whose change of residence was to live in a nursing home.
- Individuals died abroad but entered in the Register of Italians Residing Abroad (A.I.R.E.) of the City of Rome.
- Individuals who did not reside or die in the City of Rome, but whose family unit (spouse or, in the absence of a spouse, children or parents) do officially reside in the City.
- In case there is no spouse, but a partner who had been living with the dead person for the last five years, he/she can get the authorisation for burial.
- Each corpse must be buried in the ground or entombed separately; only mother and new-born who both died at the time of birth may be buried together in the same grave.
- The assigned cemetery depends on the residence zone of the deceased individual or the applicant.
According to the low in force (art 11 Cemetery Police Rules), coffins can be guarded in mortuary no longer than 5 days; after that time they will be directly buried without any warning.
As per cremations, the limit of 5 days starts from the time the whole request (that must coincide with the day which the coffin enters into the morgue) is delivered to: Ufficio Cremazioni ,Via del Verano 74.
Only in case there are serious and validated written reasons delivered to Direzione Cimiteri Capitolini, such as compulsory operations before entombment, an administrative order etc, etc, the established deadline can be extended. In the meanwhile, if the coffin has to be upholstered with zinc, each cost will be charged to whom is interested to, either a relative or not.
Zones of assignment
The assigned cemetery depends on the zone of residence of the deceased individual or the applicant.
According to the cemeteries’ statute and the Rome Assembly Deliberation n.11/2013 city borders have been redefined by reducing their numbers from 19 to 15.
Here below the list of belonging zones both related to the previous and the current maps of the municipalities of Rome.
- Flaminio Cemetery Municipalities I, II, III, IV, V, XV (ex Municipalities I, II, III, IV, V, VI,VII, XVII, XX) and Municipality VII ( only for the part belonged to the IX Municipality).
- Laurentino Cemetery Municipalities VIII, IX,XI( ex MunicipalityXI, XII,XV with the exclusion of Ponte Galeria zone) and Municipality VII ( for the part belonged to the ex Municipality X).
- Cemetery of Ostia Antica Municipality X (ex Municipality XIII).
- Cemetery of S.Vittorino Municipality VI (ex Municipality VIII).
- Cemetery of Castel di Guido Municipalities XII e XIII( ex Municipalities XVI and XVIII).
- Cemetery of Santa Maria di Galeria Municipality XIV(ex Municipality XIX ) and the area of Osteria Nuova.
- Isola Farnese Cemetery The Isola Farnese areas and part of La Storta (between Isola Farnese boundary and Rome-Viterbo train station).
- Cesano Cemetery The area of Cesano.
- Maccarese Cemetery Ponte Galeria (as per Rome competence) and, until the final expansion work at the cemeteries of Castel di Guido and Santa Maria di Galeria, the areas of Santa Maria di Galeria, La Storta (a part of it), Castel di Guido, Casalotti and Torrimpietra.
Should there be no space available at the assigned cemetery, burials will take place at Flaminio-Prima Porta Cemetery, with the exception of residents of MunicipalityX (ex Municipality XIII, who will be accepted at Laurentino Cemetery.
The Historical Verano Cemetery and the Cemetery of Santa Maria del Carmine-Parrocchietta are closed to new entries.
Burial in the Historical Verano Cemetery is currently reserved for:
- Individuals who get an own tomb or burial recess;
- deceased whose life and work brought honour to the City of Rome in Italy or worldwide, as well as for individuals died in circumstances that deeply moved the general public or who distinguished themselves, at the moment of their death, for outstanding civic virtue and merits. In this case the burial must be authorized by the City Management;
- Each Urn, regardless the deceased residence or the applicant. As per Ossuary boxes, they can be buried only if there already is an own burial recess or tomb.
Important note: exceptions to the rule of the assigned Municipality.
Regardless of the Municipal District of residence of the deceased or of the applicant: authorisation to bury the urn may be granted to those entitled to in any municipal cemetery.
At Flaminio cemetery, a special field has been available since 1990 for the burial of children up to 10 years old and foetuses who had a funeral. There is also a separate burial field for “products of conception”, or those foetuses that did not have any funeral, because buried under a simple request from the Local Health Authority.
At Laurentino Cemetery, there is a “Garden of Angels” since January 2012: a special place dedicated to unborn children (products of conception or foetuses).